See Hagan Baley website
Membrane properties.
Protein pores: transport polymers across membranes. Often they have to unfold and fold.
Stocastic sensing.
SIgle-molecule chemistry
Protein engineering, chemical synthesis, biophysical methods
alpha-Hemolysin protein pore.
How can a water souble protein assemble into a transmembrane pore?
3D droplet networks are tissue-like materials. aqueous droplets networks.
Synthetic biology Woolfosn Bromley 2011. Nice diagram
...completelly synthetic cells.
Protein components for nanodevices, Bayey, et al.
Droplets water in an oil form monolayer, but two of tese wil tend to come togehter and forma bilayer. There is a force that attracts them. Probably kinetically stable.
Lipid coated hydrogels as components...
The 7R "diode"
Folding dropplet networks using osmolarity, different salt concentrations in eac.
Soft robots. Light for sensing, power generation and patterning.. Bacteriorhodopsin:light-driven proton pump.