Belief propagation can describe a particular kind of Message passing process in Networks, and the related algorithm for performing Inference in Conditional random fields. It is approximate (except for tree graphical models)
Neural networks [3.10] : Conditional random fields - belief propagation. See Conditional random field, Factor graph
9 - 1 - Belief Propagation- Probabilistic Graphical Models - Professor Daphne Koller
defines cluster graph
Belief propagation in statistical physics of constraint satisfaction problems. In the context of Statistical physics, it's called cavity method
In Coding theory, they call it sum-product algorithm
Belief propagation in factor graphs with factors involving two variables only
Cluster graphs must satisfy the family preservation and the running intersection properties
Bethe cluster graph is a commonly used type of cluster graph, which comes from Statistical physics
Many general purpose libraries.
See also related concepts/models in Dynamical systems on networks