Homology defined on CW complexes.
- n-chain ~ Z⟨{n−cells}⟩
- boundary ~ degree of the attaching map on each cell.
For X a CW complex, we define the cellular homolgy group as
- HnCWX:=Hn(...→Hn+1(Xn+1,Xn) →dn+1Hn(Xn,Xn−1)→dnHn−1(Xn−1,Xn−2)→...)
where Xi is the i-skeleton of the CW complex X. Hn(A,B) is the Relative homology group of space A relative to B. The outermost Hn means the nth Homology group of the Chain complex it acts on. This chain complex is formed by the relative homology groups together with the maps dn.
The map dn is defined as the composition jn−1∘∂n where these are the maps in the sequence ...→Hn(Xn,Xn−1)→∂nHn−1(Xn−1)→jn−1Hn−1(Xn−1,Xn−2)→... ( you can see the composition has the right domain and codomain). This sequence comes from putting together a few LES of the skeletons as follows:

The middle chain is called the Cellular chain complex. See here
Cellular boundary formula
We can write a formula for dn. See here