
cosmos 23rd October 2017 at 2:57pm
Real analysis

aka derivative

Definition of the differential of a map

The differential is really just the Jacobian (technically, the Jacobian is the differential expressed in some particular coordinates..)

Special case: differential of a map from a surface

–> For the differential of a function from RnR^n to RR, the linear map can be represented as an nn-dimensional vector, which corresponds to the Gradient of the function.

Differential of a map between manifolds

The differential at aMa \in M of a Smooth function F:MNF: M \to N between Differentiable manifolds is the Homomorphism of the Tangent spaces

DFa:TaMTF(a)NDF_a: T_a M \to T_{F(a)} N

defined by

DFa(Xa)(f)=Xa(fF)DF_a(X_a)(f) = X_a (f \circ F )

It is a Functor between Tangent vectors (seen as maps from C(M)RC^\infty (M) \to \mathbb{R}.

In terms of coordinates, we see that the basis vectors are mapped as

DFa(xi)a(f)=jFjxi(a)(yj)F(a)(f)DF_a (\frac{\partial}{\partial x_i})_a (f) = \sum_j \frac{\partial F_j}{\partial x_i} (a) (\frac{\partial}{\partial y_j})_{F(a)} (f)

This shows that tangent vectors are Contravariant

This functor is Covariantly functorial