Spatial representation in the brain
Nice video explanation of hippocampus and episodic memory
Mapping of a non-spatial dimension by the hippocampal–entorhinal circuit
See here. Individual place cells correspond to places/states. However, their activation patterns correspond to the places/states that one is most likely to visit in the future (in a discounted way, see paper). This is the Successor representation
The hippocampus as a predictive map
The hippocampus as a predictive map
Design Principles of the Hippocampal Cognitive Map
Computational analysis of the role of the hippocampus in memory
The hippocampal indexing theory and episodic memory: Updating the index
Dynamic updating of hippocampal object representations reflects new conceptual knowledge
Hippocampal replay
Replay of remembered or imagined trajectories
We will probe the role of hippocampal replay events in learning the structure of state spaces by assessing whether the frequency and content of such events is influenced on encountering changes in the maze structure, and test for a causal role of such events in structure learning using closed loop optogenetic inhibition of the hippocampus during sharp waves.