Information bottleneck

cosmos 5th October 2017 at 10:26pm
Deep learning theory Sufficient statistic

The information bottleneck is an information theoretic framework, extending the classical notion of Minimal sufficient statistics, that finds concise representations for an ‘input’ random variable that are as relevant as possible for an ‘output’ variable

The information bottleneck method

Information Theory of Deep Learning. Naftali Tishby ( See Deep learning theory)

The fundamental problem of Feature selection in pattern recognition. Rate-distortion theory does not provide a full answer to this problem since the choice of the Distortion function, which determines the relevant features, is not part of the theory. It is, however, a step in the right direction. By combining it with the theory of minimal sufficient statistics, we get the information bottleneck principle.

The information bottleneck principle captures a tradeoff between minimality of the representation of XX, achieved by minimizing I(X;T)I(X; T), and sufficiency of information on YY, achieved by constraining the value of I(Y;T)I(Y; T). The auxiliary variable TT is thus determined by the minimization of the IB-Lagrangian

LIB[p(tx)]=I(X;T)βI(Y;T)\mathcal{L}_{IB} [p(t|x)] = I(X;T)-\beta I(Y;T)

with respect to the mapping p(tx)p(t|x), where I(X;T)I(X;T) is the Mutual information. TT is subject to the Markovian relation TXYT-X-Y, and p(tx)p(t|x) is subject to the obvious normalization constraints. The solutions of this constrained optimization problem are characterized by the bottleneck equations

There is a convergent (to a local optimum) algorithm similar to the Arimoto-Blahut algorithm to solve these.

In (Gilad-Bachrach, Navot and Tishby, 2001) it is shown that the set of achievable p(x,y,t)p(x, y, t) distributions form a strictly convex set in the (I(X;T),I(Y;T))(I(X; T ), I(Y ; T )) plane, bounded by a smooth IY(IX)I_Y (I_X ) optimal function - the Information curve – similar to the Rate-distortion function in Source coding

The information bottleneck seems to be basically the principle behind Autoencoders

Applications to Learning theory

Learning and Generalization with the Information Bottleneck

Finite sample analysis

In order to optimize the IB-Lagrangian we need to calculate the quantities I(X; T ) and I(X; T )for any chosen T and β. Since T is defined only via X, we need to know p(x, y) in order to calculate these two quantities. In most applications, however, p(x, y) is unknown. Instead, we assume that we have an i.i.d sample of m instances drawn according to p(x, y), and we use this sample to create a maximum-likelihood estimate of the distribution using pˆ(x, y), the empirical distribution of the sample.

He obtains bounds on I(X;T)I^(X;T)|I(X; T ) - \hat{I}(X; T )| and I(Y;T)I^(Y;T)|I(Y;T) - \hat{I}(Y;T)| (which go as 1/m1/m generally).

They then show how the mutual information I(Y;T)I(Y;T) can be related to the classification error in a Bag-of-words Generative model of Document classification. Crucially uses Stein’s lemma. The bound argument works best when the classes are "uniformly spread", meaning that the KL divergence between any distinct two of them is the same.

They then justify the interpretation of I(X;T)I(X;T) as a regularization term, by deriving another bound on I(Y;T)I^(Y;T)|I(Y; T ) - \hat{I}(Y; T )| which increases with both I(X;T)I(X;T) and I^(X;T)\hat{I}(X;T). This means that the smaller these quantities (the more compressed T is a description of X), then the better we approximate Y(Y;T)Y(Y;T), and so the more confident we are in our error estimates given by the previous argument on classification error. Proofs are found in section 6

Finally, they again relate IB to Sufficient statistics

Application to Deep learning theory