Learning curve

cosmos 10th December 2019 at 6:47pm
Generalization error

Learning curves for Gaussian processes

Gaussian process learning curve

Learning curves for deep learning seem to follow Power laws: https://arxiv.org/abs/1712.00409

The theory of learning curves seems to be not well-known enough, but it's very useful. For example, it provides a rigorous derivation of the optimal regularization coefficient for L2 regularized least squares. One can show the following. Assume data is generated as y=w_0*x + eta, where x are generated from Gaussian with unit correlation, and where eta is Gaussian noise with sigma^2 variance. Assume your task is: given training data {(x_1,y_1),...,(x_m,y_m)}, generated that way, find w that minimizes the regularized mean squared error

(1/m)sum_{i=1}^m (w*x_i - y_i)^2 + lambda *|w|^2

and you are interested in the generalization error

Expectation[(w*x - y)^2] upon sampling a new pair (x,y) according to the data generating process. In particular, we consider the average of Expectation[(w*x - y)], over training data samples (which determine w).


for lambda between 0 and sigma^2/|w_0|^2, the generalization error decreases with increasing lambda.

for lambda greater than sigma^2/|w_0|^2, the error increases with increasing lambda. However, it stays lower than for lambda = 0, until a certain point lambda_c. This point is determined by how aligned, in expectation, w_0 is with the principal components of the correlation matrix of the training data. If w_0 is aligned with principal components then lambda_c is close to sigma^2/|w_0|^2, and viceversa. So making lambda higher than the optimal (overregularization) is safer when the true weight vector is pointing along the non-principal components, where there is little data variance. The intuition is that if this is the case, then there is smaller signal-to-noise ratio, so regularization is more benefitial (as it makes the algo less sensitive to noise, damping down potential large variance in w).

I find it pretty neat that one can have a well principled and quantitative justification of regularization! And now you know how big you need to make the reg coefficient (under some assumptions) :)

See nice discussion in comments with Cristof here: https://www.facebook.com/guillermovalleperez/posts/10156593654876223

Learning to generalize

Rigorous Learning Curve Bounds from Statistical Mechanics

entropy bias learning curve https://www.desmos.com/calculator/mb7g8wpxou


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