Minimax risk

cosmos 10th April 2019 at 10:58am

The Risk for the estimator/learning algorithm that performs best in the worst case. If Rθ(θ^)R _ { \theta } ( \hat { \theta } ) is the Risk of estimator θ^\hat{\theta} under data distribution θ\theta, then the minimax risk is defined as:

R=infθ^supθΘRθ(θ^)R ^ { * } = \inf _ { \hat { \theta } } \sup _ { \theta \in \Theta } R _ { \theta } ( \hat { \theta } )

Often, "minimax risk" refers to the case where the data distributions are constrained to those that contain the Bayes estimator. If we don't specify the set of data distributions Θ\Theta, we will typically assume this. We do this, because the other natural choice, no assumption on the data distribution leads to trivial minimax values of the risk (due to No free lunch theorem)

Minimax risk bounds

 Minimax upper bound: θ^,θ,Rθ(θ^)rRr Minimax lower bound: θ^,θ,Rθ(θ^)rRr\begin{array} { l l } { \text { Minimax upper bound: } } & { \exists \hat { \theta } , \forall \theta , R _ { \theta } ( \hat { \theta } ) \leq r \Leftrightarrow R ^ { * } \leq r } \\ { \text { Minimax lower bound: } } & { \forall \hat { \theta } , \exists \theta , R _ { \theta } ( \hat { \theta } ) \geq r \Leftrightarrow R ^ { * } \geq r } \end{array}

We can also obtain lower bounds from the Bayes risk for any prior. This is becaue {it follows from the Min-max inequality, that Minimax risk ≥ worst-case Bayes risk}.

In Probably approximately correct learning, one typically finds upper bounds on the minimax risk, as one considers the risk worst-case over data distributions, and worst-case over families of learning algorithms / estimators (so in particular one finds an estimator such that for any data distribution the risk is bounded (w.h.p. at least)).

Minimax rate... bounding up to constants (see "For parametric models that satisfy weak regularity conditions, the Maximum likelihood estimator is approximately minimax."


Minimax rates for different losses/learning scenarios


For Binary classification. See here. VC bound (O(1/m)O(1/\sqrt{m}), for mm number of data points). gives minimax rate under Realizability assumption, for binary classification and 0-1 Loss functions!. If we furthermore constrain the Bayes risk to be bounded, we can get better bounds (see PAC learning with noise). In both of these cases, any ERM algorithm is a minimax algorithm (achieves the minimax rate!)

For Multilabel classification, I think that minimax rate is given by the Natarajan dimension. Minimax rates are achieved by some ERM algorithms (but not any ERM algorithm!)


Info here mostly comes from reading this paper

For Regression (using Mean squared error as loss function for e.g.), one can obtain, in some cases, O(1/m)O(1/m) minimax rates! (or maybe logn / n , but still nice). And in these cases the minimax algorithm is not necessarily ERM – for e.g. in some cases other algorithms like aggregation-of-leaders are minimax but not ERM. See here! (<- discussion in Section 7). Lee, Bartlett and Williamson showed that, to achieve the logm/m rate with a selector (Proper learning) one needs the hypothesis class to be convex, and this particular case, ERM is a minimax algorithm! (Least-squares estimator). For the result finite Pseudo-dimension was also needed.

However, optimality of ERM for certain problems is still an open question.

They find an aggregation-of-leaders algorithm which is minimax (in both risk and regret) for regression, under assumptions on the empirical entropy of the hypothesis class (shouldn't be too large..). Not clear if optimal or suboptimal for large classes? Has this been proven?. To be more precise: the algorithm has minimax regret for regression with finite classes, and also for not-too-large empirical entropy. For minimax risk for regression, it is optimal for any class!? noice. From the paper, where they compare with ERM, and an alternative method called skeletong aggregation:

for finite classFaggregation-of-leaders and skeleton aggregation achievethe excess risk ratelogMn, which is known to be optimal [41], whereas the global ERMhas a suboptimal rate. For a very massive classF, when the empirical entropy growspolynomially asε−pwithp≥2 both ERM and aggregation-of-leaders enjoy similar guar-antees of rates of ordern−1/pwhile the skeleton aggregation only gets a suboptimal rateofn−1/(p+1). For all other cases, while aggregation-of-leaders is optimal, bothERM andskeleton aggregation are suboptimal. Thus, in the misspecified case, skeleton aggregationis good only for very meager (finite) classes while ERM enjoys optimality only for theother extreme – massive nonparametric classes. Note also that, unlessFis finite, skeletonaggregation does not improve upon ERM in the misspecified case.Turning to the well-specified case, both aggregation-of-leaders and skeleton aggrega-tion achieve the optimal rate for the minimax risk while the global ERM is, in general,suboptimal.

A cool thing they show is that in the regression setting, here they found that the "minimax risk" and "minimax regret" (i.e. in our definitions, the minimax risk for the realizable and agnostic case) have the same rate with mm if the hypothesis class is not too big, using some empirical entropy measure!

They also show, in the regression setting, minimax regret of order vlog(n/v)/n where v is the VC dimension

Algorithms for both classification and regression

I think Nearest-neighbour regression and Nearest-neighbour classification are minimax risk (well-specified model) optimal under some assumptions on the hypothesis class

Sample compression/Compression bounds

The minimax excess risk for the case where the data distributions are not constrained, is called Minimax regret. See .