Music theory

cosmos 2nd December 2018 at 5:42am

Melody Harmony Rhythm

See Human hearing.

Equal temperment and just intonation:

See also xenharmonic music..

What is up with Noises? (The Science and Mathematics of Sound, Frequency, and Pitch)

Twelve Tones

Venn Piano

Why are there twelve notes?


In Pythagorean tuning, we build the notes via the two ratios 2:1 and 3:2 (or equivalently 2:1 and 3:1)

That is, we take ratios of the form (32)m2n\left(\frac{3}{2}\right)^m 2^n, for integers mm and nn. How many notes fall inside an Octave as we do this? The power of nn just moves us between one octave and the next, so we can safely take all powers of nn, and just focus on what happens as we increase powers of mm. If we take the log2\log_2 of the ratio, then the first octave lies between log2(1)=0\log_2(1)=0 and log2(2)=1\log_2(2)=1. Ratios in the first octave will lie somewhere in between. We can find these by doing log2((32)m2n) mod 1\log_2{\left(\left(\frac{3}{2}\right)^m 2^n\right)} \text{ mod } 1 =mlog2(32) mod 1=m\log_2{\left(\frac{3}{2}\right)}\text{ mod } 1. It turns out that if we take m=0,...,11m=0,...,11, we get 1212 well-spaced notes, which is what led Pythagoras and all of western music to use these 1212 notes as our chromatic scale! The fundamental reason is that log2(32)712\log_2{\left(\frac{3}{2}\right)}\approx \frac{7}{12}, so that after adding log2(32)\log_2{\left(\frac{3}{2}\right)} 1212 times we are close to an integer, and thus to a beggining of an octave, that is the base note. This is the approximate period. If it was 7/12 exactly, then we would have m712 mod 1m\frac{7}{12}\text{ mod } 1, which we can recast as 7m mod 127m \text{ mod }12, which will visit all points 0,...,110,...,11 as 77 and 1212 are Coprime, so that 1212 iterations are needed to come back; period of periodic orbit is 1212. Therefore it can't visit the same point twice in these 1212 iterates, so that it visits 1212 points. But there are only 1212 integers here, so that it visits them all! This is fundamentally why it is so well spread out after twelve iterations.

See Modular arithmetic