Neuronal staining method

cosmos 13th November 2016 at 7:35pm

Traditionally studied via staining methods:

  • Nissl stains. Mostly nucleus visible.
  • Golgi impregnation techniques. Only about 1% of neurons impregnated. Makes most of the cell visible.
  • Weigert stain for myelin.
  • Reduced-silver method.
  • Staining of degenerate elements.
  • Retrogade staining. One can stain all neurons whose axons terminate on a given region, using materials taken at the dendrites and then transported to the cell body.
  • Anterograde staining. Find the regions which the axons of neurons in a certain zone reach, using materials absorved by the body and transported to the axon terminals.
  • Intreacellular dye injection. Shows more of the cell than Golgi impregnation techniques.
  • Histochemical staining. Identify cells by particular chemicals they contain.
  • Metabolic staining. Staining that depends on the Metabolism of the cells.