
cosmos 31st August 2017 at 11:10pm
Biology Human intelligence

The study of the Brain, and the Nervous system. (Brain science included)

The brain dictionary

Organizing conceptual knowledge in humans with a gridlike code

Cognitive science

How brains see

Neuronal Avalanches in Neocortical Circuits

See Neuronal network, and Neuromorphic computing.

Karl Friston talk

System levels

1. Neuron

2. Neural system

Neuronal networks

– in the Cortex: Corticonics

3. Brain

Areas of study


Neural codes

Understanding the way Information is encoded in neurons, and their firing

Firing rate <> Amplitude of estimulus.

Firing pattern also encodes information.

Grid cells in the Entorhinal cortex

Prediction error

Temporal coding

Binding through coherence. Brain oscillations

Computational neuroscience

From brain activity

Circuits <> Computations <> Behaviour

In trying to understand machinery we often assume as if it was constructed, but it evolved

Theoretical neuroscience

Theoretical Neuroscience book

Cognitive neuroscience

How neurons and other systems in the brain give rise to Cognition

Human learning

Hebbian theory

"Cells that fire together, wire together."


Developmental neuroscience

Grand Challenge: Nature Versus Nurture: How Does the Interplay of Biology and Experience Shape Our Brains and Make Us Who We Are?

Mu-ming Poo (UC Berkeley, CAS Shanghai) Part 1: The Cellular Basis of Learning and Memory

Carl Sagan on the brain