Open Multi-Processing is a standard found in most modern C compilers..
Parallel programming with several processors with shared memory.
One process with multiple threads of execution.
OpenMP API components:
To create several threads for a block of code with openMP use: # pragma omp parallel default( none ) private( my_thread ) { /* my parallel code*/
The default(none) clause forces a programmer to explicitly specify the data-sharing attributes of all variables in a parallel region. Using this clause then forces the programmer to think about data-sharing attributes.
gives a unique thread ID
gcc -fopenmp
(flag to link OpenMP runtime library)
Environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS
determines number of threads created by OMP
shared( a, b, c ) private(i)
: means that the variables a,b,c are on shared memory. i are on each thread's local memory
#pragma omp for
: separate for loop into threads
Barrier : a given thread can only proceed once all threads have reached the barrier
Critical region : Only 1 thread can be executing codes within a critical region.
Reduction : Combining multiple private values into a single shared value