
cosmos 27th November 2017 at 12:28am

The term "perceptron" was introduced in the 1950s to designate a simple mechanism to achieve "perception."

See video. Definition of perceptron

It is basically a Feedforward neural network, with 0 hidden layers, and Heaviside step function activation functions. They are a simpler version of Logistic regression.

As most older models, the original perceptrons, had threshold activation functions (see Hopfield network).

The hopes to build "seeing machines" vanished when Minsky and Papert published their book Perceptrons [1969], in which they rigorously demonstrated that perceptrons are quite limited in their ability to extract global features from local information. They could only implement linearly separable classification.

Simple storing problem: is a certain training set linearly separable?

Multilayer perceptron

However, the reaction was too drastic, because adding more layers to the Feedforward neural network (giving so-called "multilayer perceptrons"), avoided the issues pointed out by Minksy and Papert.

Multilayered perceptrons work essentially in a manner similar to the prevailing neurophysiological view. According to this view, on arrival at the cortex, sensory information is subject to a hierarchy of feature extractions. Further comparison with the Cortex, is done in the Corticonics book (pages 200-203)