Percolation phase transition

guillefix 4th November 2016 at 2:43pm

Giant component and phase transition

Percolation is the simplest fundamental model in statistical mechanics that exhibits phase transitions signaled by the emergence of a giant connected component (or GCC, it is a connected component that contains a finite fraction of the nodes as the network size NN \rightarrow \infty, i.e. it has an "extensive" scaling, in the language of Statistical physics). The parameter that controls the existence of a GCC is the occupation probability, pp (or the "attach probability" q=1pq=1-p), the critical value at which the transition happens is called the percolation threshold

In particular, the transition is often a continuous transition (2nd oder) with a critical point. Behaviour at this point is thus an example of Critical phenomena, and at this point the system is self-similar (see Fractals), and as a consequence, many quantities follow Power laws. See section 12.2, and exercise 12.12, as well as exercise 2.13 of this book.

Percolation threshold

For random site percolation on a configuration model graph:

pc=1g1(1)=kk2kp_c = \frac{1}{g'_1(1)} = \frac{\langle k \rangle}{\langle k^2 \rangle - \langle k \rangle}

where g1(z)g_1(z) is the generating function of the excess degree distribution. See Newman's book.

Note that even if there is a GCC, its size may be small, so a full understanding of the network's resilience should include the dependence of the size of the GCC with pp.

Critical phenomena in percolation