See this video – and this video
- T1 . Frechet space. Every pair of points have neighbourhoods not containing the other point (equivalent to points being closed) – vid
- T2 (Hausdorff space)
- T3. A point and a closed subset not containing the point, then they have disjoint neighbourhoods.
- T4. Disjoint closed subsets have disjoint neighbourhoods.
- ...
Regular space
Normal space
Then normal => regular => Hausdorff => T1
X is T3 if and only if for every x∈X and neighbourhood U of X, there is a nbhd V of x s.t. V¯⊂U.
X is T4 iff for each closed subsete A of X and nbhd U of A, there is a nbhd V of A s.t. V¯⊂U
Urysohn's lemma –> Urysohn metrization theorem
Proposition. Every Regular space with a countable basis is normal