
cosmos 15th November 2017 at 1:26pm

A simplex is the Convex hull of a set of points which are not coplanar. If the points are v0,..,vnv_0,..,v_n, the simplex is nn-dimensional and is denoted [v0,..,vn][v_0,..,v_n].

The standard nn-dimensional simplex Δn\Delta^n is the Convex hull of the set of points corresponding to basis vectors ((0,...,1,...,0)(0,...,1,...,0)) in Rn+1\mathbb{R}^{n+1}.

If we delete one of the n + 1 vertices of an n simplex [v 0 , ··· , v n ] , then the remaining n vertices span an (n − 1) simplex, called a face of [v 0 , ··· , v n ]

The union of all the faces of ∆ n is the boundary of ∆ n , written ∂∆ n . The open simplex Δn\Delta^{\circ n} (actually \circ should be on top..) is ΔnΔn\Delta^n - \partial \Delta^n, the interior of Δn\Delta^n.


In Delta-complexes, we consider simplices with a given ordering of vertices.