Spindle (Cell biology)

guillefix 4th November 2016 at 2:43pm

The spindle, or spindle apparatus is an structure that segregates chromosomes during cell division, and is formed by Microtubules, Molecular motors, and hundreds of other proteins. The spindle self-organizes during division process.


For the frog Xenopus laevis, spindles are on average ~45 microns long, and ~30 microns wide. Microtubules in these spindles have an average length of ~7 microns (ref) and are at a density of ~50-100 microtubules/μ\mum^2, implying that there are ~100,000 (ref 1, ref 2). Microtubules are polar polymers whose minus ends are relatively static and whose plus ends polymerize at a speed of ~10-20 μ\mum/min (ref). There is no appreciable rate of rescues in these spindles ? (ref), and the half-life of these microtubules is ~16s, much shorter than the typical lifetime of a spindle – which can exist for several hours. Microtubules in the spindle interact with each other via motrs and cross-linkers, and continuously slide toward the poles at a rate of ~2.5 μ\mum/min (ref 1, ref 2)

Nucleation and Transport Organize Microtubules in Metaphase Spindles

Microtubular origin of mitotic spindle form birefringence. Demonstration of the applicability of Wiener's equation.

Spindle Assembly in Xenopus Egg Extracts: Respective Roles of Centrosomes and Microtubule Self-Organization

Microtubule Plus-End Dynamics in Xenopus Egg Extract Spindles

Fast Microtubule Dynamics in Meiotic Spindles Measured by Single Molecule Imaging: Evidence That the Spindle Environment Does Not Stabilize Microtubules

The kinesin Eg5 drives poleward microtubule flux in Xenopus laevis egg extract spindles. Although mitotic and meiotic spindles maintain a steady-state length during metaphase, their antiparallel microtubules slide toward spindle poles at a constant rate. This "poleward flux" of microtubules occurs in many organisms and may provide part of the force for chromosome segregation. [...] Our results suggest that ensembles of nonprocessive Eg5 motors drive flux in metaphase Xenopus extract spindles.