Let C be a Category. Suppose that we are given collections
Ob(D)⊆Ob(C), ∀A,B∈Ob(D).D(A,B⊆C(A,B).
We say that D is a subcategory of C if
- A∈Ob(D)⇒idA∈D(A,A),
- f∈D(A,B),g∈D(B,C)⇒g∘f∈D(A,C)
so that D itself is a category.
In particular, D is:
- A Full subcategory of C if for any A,B∈Ob(D),D(A,B)=C(A,B)
- A Luff subcategory of C if Ob(D)=Ob(C).
For example, Grp is a full subcategory of Mon, and Set is a lluf subcategory of Rel.