A tree, in graph theory, is a connected, undirected Graph that contains no closed loops. A forest is a disconnected graph whose connected parts are trees.
A tree in graph theory is a particular kind of Tree (combinatorial structure).
Trees are often drawn in a "rooted" manner. However, topologically, no node is distinguished as a root, and we could choose any node to be the root in this representation.

- There is exactly one path between every two points. If there were two one could use them to make a loop.
- A tree of n vertices always exactly n−1 edges (seen by constructing the tree in rooted form).
- A connected network with n vertices with the minimum number of edges is always a tree (See Newman pages 128-129 for proofs).
Computer Science
- Data structures
- Minimum spanning trees
- Cayley trees
- Bethe latices
- Hierarchical models of networks
Network theory
- small components in the network of a Random Graph are trees
- Dendograms, a hierarchical decomposition of a network as a tree.