Why does deep and cheap learning work so well?

cosmos 4th November 2016 at 2:43pm
Deep learning theory

Connections between physics and deep learning. He also talks at the end about some really cool recent work.

on Cheap Learning: Partition Functions and RBMs

The Extraordinary Link Between Deep Neural Networks and the Nature of the Universe

Comment on "Why does deep and cheap learning work so well?" [arXiv:1608.08225]

There are 22n2^{2^n} different Boolean functions of nn variables, so a network implementing a generic function in this class requires at least 2n2^n bits to describe, i.e., more bits than there are atoms in our universe if n260n \geq 260.

Evolution has somehow settled on a brain structure that is ideally suited to teasing apart the complexity of the universe.

Why does deep and cheap learning work so well?Comment on “Why does deep and cheap learning work so well?”

This is why the structure of neural networks is important too: the layers in these networks can approximate each step in the causal sequence, that produced the observed data.

We show how the success of deep learning depends not only on mathematics but also on physics: although well-known mathematical theorems guarantee that neural networks can approximate arbitrary functions well, the class of functions of practical interest can be approximated through "cheap learning" with exponentially fewer parameters than generic ones, because they have simplifying properties tracing back to the laws of physics.

The exceptional simplicity of physics-based functions hinges on properties such as symmetry, locality, compositionality and polynomial log-probability, and we explore how these properties translate into exceptionally simple neural networks approximating both natural phenomena such as images and abstract representations thereof such as drawings.

We further argue that when the statistical process generating the data is of a certain hierarchical form prevalent in physics and machine-learning, a deep neural network can be more efficient than a shallow one.

We formalize these claims using Information theory and discuss the relation to Renormalization group procedures. Various "no-flattening theorems" show when these efficient deep networks cannot be accurately approximated by shallow ones without efficiency loss even for linear networks.

Topics of the paper

In Section II (Neural network theory), we present results for shallow neural networks with merely a handful of layers, focusing on simplifications due to locality, symmetry and polynomials

In Section III (Deep learning theory, Complex systems), we study how increasing the depth of a neural network can provide polynomial or exponential eficiency gains even though it adds nothing in terms of expressivity, and we discuss the connections to renormalization, compositionality and Complexity.

In Section IV, we summarize our conclusions

In Appendix V, we discuss a technical point about renormalization and deep learning (see above).

Neural network theory

Summary: polynomials can be accurately approximated by neural networks using a number of neurons scaling either as the number of multiplications required (for continuous input variables) or as the number of terms (for binary input variables).

What Hamiltonians do we want to approximate? : see Simplicity and learning (section Simplicity and neural networks). Low-order, locality, symmetry.

Why deep neural networks?

This question has been extensively studied from a mathematical point of view [10,12], but mathematics alone cannot fully answer it, because part of the answer involves physics. We will argue that the answer involves the hierarchical/compositional structure of generative processes together with inability to efficiently "flatten" neural networks reflecting this structure.

Causally, complex structures are frequently created through a distinct sequence of simpler steps. This greatly simplifies the class of probability distributions that the network has to consider. The goal of the network is to reverse this generative hierarchy to learn about the input from the output.

Sufficient statistics and hierarchies

This can be formalized using Information theory and the concept of Sufficient statistic

Corollary 2: With the same assumptions and notation as Theorem 2, define the function f0(T0)=P(x0T0)f_0(T_0) = P(x_0|T_0), and fn=Tnf_n = T_n. Then

P(x0xn)=(f0f1...fn)(xn)P(x_0|x_n) = (f_0 \circ f_1 \circ ... \circ f_n) (x_n)

the structure of the inference problem reflects the structure of the generative process.

In this case, we see that the neural network trying to approximate P(x|y) must approximate a compositional function. We will argue below in Section III F that in many cases, this can only be accomplished efficiently if the neural network has n\gtrsim n hidden layers.

In neuroscience parlance, the functions fif_i compress the data into forms with ever more invariance [24], containing features invariant under irrelevant transformations (for example background substitution, scaling and translation).

Approximate information distillation

Using functions that retain most of the information (i.e. imperfect Sufficient statistics, or more precisely a function for which the data processing inequality is close to an equality, but isn't) may be useful, if the functions are much less computationally complex, for instance are much simpler polynomials.

Distillation and renormalization

The systematic framework for distilling out desired information from unwanted "noise" in physical theories is known as Effective field theory, a fundamental part of which is the Renormalization group transformation.

They claim that RG is an example of supervised learning, and not of unsupervised learning. But not sure why

Non-flattening theorems

Theorems about the neuron-efficiency cost (reduction in the total number of neurons), and the synaptic-efficiency cost (reduction in the total number of synapses, or weight parameters), of flattening.

Flattening refers to producing a neural network with less layers and which approximates the original up to an error ϵ\epsilon

Linear non-flattening theorems

Non-flattening theorems for neural networks with no nonlinear functions, i.e. for Matrix multiplication.