also known as Price's model. The de Solla Price's model is a model used to explore the effect of preferential attachment in the formation of a network on the structure of the network. See Models of network formation for more information.
Proposed in the study of citation networks. These have properties:
The model defines the average number of papers cited by a new paper (i.e. the average out-degree) to be (and the distribution around to be sufficiently well-behaved, for instance, the variance should be finite).
The main assumption of the model is that the probability of each new edge created whew we add a new node only depends on the degree of that node (on the in-degree to be precise, i.e. the number of citations it has). In particular it assumes an affine preferential attachment:
where is the in-degree, and we have made use that for directed networks, . Finally, is introduced so that nodes can get edges even if they don't have any in-degree yet (otherwise they will always stay like that, and the model wouldn't really be realistic).
Note that a new paper can cite an existing paper more than one times in this model, but the frequency at which these double-edges occur is low, and in the limit they are subdominant.
is the probability that a new edge is connected to node . On average edges are added (and the probability over number of edges, whose average is , is independent of the probability ), therefore the expected number of edges added to node is . Even though the probabilities for each node getting an edge are not independent, the expected number of edges added over a set of nodes, is the sum of the (see Probability theory Note 1). In particular, the expected number of edges added to all nodes with in-degree , of them (where is the degree distribution at the when there are nodes in the network (note that this changes, as we are adding nodes in the process of formation)) is:
We can now write a master equation, which for is:
or in words:
The equation for is a bit different:
where there are no nodes with degree , and there is an extra due to the node we just added.
Now, taking the limit , and using the shorthand , the eq. becomes:
where the terms proportional to have cancelled out.
We can then solve these to get a recursion relation for with initial condition from the second equation. The solution can then be expressed in terms of Euler Beta functions, which in the asymptotic limit of large , give a power-law decay with power:
Thus, many scholars believe that this simple model may describe the fundamental mechanism by which power laws are obtained in many real-world networks.
Computer simulation of de Solla Price's model
See section 14.1.1 of Newman's book.
Straighforward simulation of model is slow. Alternative was proposed by Krapivsky and Redner which follows the following rule
With probability choose a vertex in strict proportion to in-degree. Otherwise choose a vertex uniformly at random from the set of all vertices.
The trick to do the part of choosing a vertex in proportion to in-degree is done by choosing an edge (stored in a list) with uniform probability and then choosing the vertex it points to, so that the probability of choosing is exactly proportional to how many edges point to it, i.e. its in-degree .