aka pattern recognition
Supervised learning, where the output value is discrete, or categorical, or qualitative. No implicit ordering, or closeness on the variables. See video.
Many of the same methods as in regression. In fact, classification is often approached by modelling a posterior probability , and predicting the most probably . Because this is a continuous function of , learning it can be done by using Regression analysis
Logistic regression (Classification with 2 classes). A simpler version: Perceptron.
Classification with classes.
See Generalized linear model for other more generalized methods.
Artificial neural network (see also Deep learning)
Support vector machines. Software for SVMs: http://svmlight.joachims.org/
Nonparametric algortihm: Nearest-neighbour classification
Multiclass classification using binary classifiers
see page 16 here.
May create hard learning problems when combining some classes (resulting in regions with weird shapes, that are hard to linearly separate). With decisino trees, this can be exacerbated.
Reducing Multiclass to Binary.E. Allwein, R. Schapire, Y. Singer
If the class labels are not mutually exclusive. This can be modelled by using multiple related binary class labels, each marking whether the input belongs to a particular class. This is a multiple output model.
Output has a notion of order, but not closeness, so it's qualitative, aka ordinal learning.
using a confusion matrix
can give different costs..
Precision vs recall
How to tune classifer to satisfy these criteria?